Wednesday, 5 November 2014

I spent a day in Starbucks drawing people and creating my website (well...I drew the logos for the menu bar, while someone clever did the technical part..!) I'm so excited to see it finished, which will hopefully be soon!

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Just a quick post to share my amazing new work space in the studio at University this year. Third-year privileges! 

Sunday, 12 October 2014

I've been working on some character designs for our group graduation film that has all started this month- I can't really share too much on here, but here are a few personal things that I have been working on. These are hopefully going to eventually become Christmas cards. Drawing people is my favourite thing to do, so these were done inbetween Uni work as a bit of relaxation, and I really love them.

ALSO- I have my own domain name ready to go, and ONE DAY I will get around to making a proper portfolio website with all of my work neatly organised...!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Another very, very late post. I've been busy drawing lots for the last few weeks/months, but nothing that I'm particularly proud of. I've been really pushing myself to work more digitally, and after a Summer of forcing myself into Photoshop, I've come out with a few nice things but all I've really wanted to do is draw in my usual style. This week, my watercolours have returned to my desk, and I've started creating some designs for some Christmas cards that I'd like to make, and I already feel like I've been more productive than I have been all Summer! Sticking with what I'm best at from now on!

Monday, 28 July 2014

Here are a few things I've been doing this week. I'm spending the rest of my Summer developing my style and drawing as much as I can to build up my portfolio before Uni starts again. I'm finally starting to have a little more confidence in myself, and I am developing a clear plan of where I will take my work in the future...I am feeling very motivated!

Friday, 18 July 2014

I'm back!

After an unintentional 3-month holiday from updating my blog, (and an actual sort-of holiday...!) I am back with lots of new work and ideas to post here. After the stress of deadlines at the end of term, I spent a month in China on an internship at Golden Oak Pictures in Nanjing. My role was character design, but there were very relaxed in letting me do pretty much whatever I wanted to in creating some ideas for their film- they are in the very early stages of pre-production, so it was nice to have the freedom to develop my own ideas and contribute to some changes to the story. Here are some of the images I produced in China. I've started to become less into character design, and more interested in developing my own illustration style, and I also found it really fun to draw these houses so I just kept going!
China is a completely crazy country, and I will definitely be back!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Character Designs

I spent most of my day sitting on a wall in Bournemouth town centre, drawing people. There were lots of people sitting outside because it was so sunny today, and I'm really pleased with how these drawings have turned out- I finally feel like I am improving with my character designs!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Character Designs

Here is a character that I have been working on today- she started off as a wacky old lady with big blue glasses who I drew in the queue in Starbucks last week, and I've been drawing her ever since...she's lost a few years in age, but kept the glasses. I'd like to make her a little crazier, but I'm pleased with these sketches so far.

Monday, 10 March 2014

I've been spending a lot of time (and money!) in Starbucks lately, doing some people-watching in my sketchbook. It's my favourite way to gain inspiration for new character designs, and I love watching how people interact and behave.